- Video Submission:
It is mandatory to make a 1-2 minute testimonial video regarding your internship period. This is going to be posted on the Abhyaz YouTube channel. Flipped classroom submission would only be as the URL of the work drive, you don't need to upload the video in the flipped classroom.
- Write a Blog:
Describe your internship experience and the tasks you did during the internship time in a one-page blog post. It is also mandatory to write blogs because they will be posted on the Abhyaz website.
- Feedback & Image Submission:
Give feedback regarding the internship in the writer's document with an image and at least 4-5 lines of text. We'll post the image and feedback on the Abhyaz website.
- Post on Social Media:
You must post videos, blogs, and feedback to your social media page.
- Finalize your video and blog submissions.
- Take a survey and complete it.
- Contact your mentor and get evaluated on your outcomes.
- Reach out to the Content Developer Mentor to validate the submission of your blog and request access to the Zoho sites from the system admin; then, with the Content Development mentor's assistance, post the blog on the website.