request for certificate

Request for Certificate

      After getting relieved from the internship, candidate can request for certificate 


      You are supposed to complete the minimum required tenure and outcomes - please ensure that this has been duly completed and verified so that we may release your internship certificate. You will receive your internship certificate (a digitally signed copy) after we have verified your outcomes and it will take 1 month from the date of submission of your outcomes. We request you not to raise for the same as it will be automatically processed and released to you. 

Please follow the below points and act accordingly 

  1. In your relieving period  (Last 2 weeks) you are not supposed to take any leave and you need to work without a break. In case of any leave within this notice period, you will be unable to receive your Certificate .
  2. If you take more than 2 days of leave during the 2-week relieving period, then you will be ineligible for a certificate.
  3. If you pursue to write to us about the certificate more than 3 times, then you will be ineligible for the certificate.
  4. If you did not serve in the relieving period, you will not be eligible for certificate .

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